dataquality.loggers.model_logger.seq2seq package#

Submodules# module#

class Seq2SeqChatModelLogger(embs=None, probs=None, logits=None, ids=None, split='', epoch=None, inference_name=None)#

Bases: Seq2SeqModelLogger

Initialize the Seq2SeqModelLogger

In Seq2Seq if probs is passed in it is actually logprobs

logger_config: Seq2SeqChatLoggerConfig = Seq2SeqChatLoggerConfig(labels=None, tasks=None, observed_num_labels=None, observed_labels=None, tagging_schema=None, last_epoch=0, cur_epoch=None, cur_split=None, cur_inference_name=None, training_logged=False, validation_logged=False, test_logged=False, inference_logged=False, exception='', helper_data={}, input_data_logged=defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {}), logged_input_ids=defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {}), idx_to_id_map=defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {}), conditions=[], report_emails=[], ner_labels=[], int_labels=False, feature_names=[], metadata_documents=set(), finish=<function BaseLoggerConfig.<lambda>>, existing_run=False, dataloader_random_sampling=False, remove_embs=False, sample_length={}, tokenizer=None, max_input_tokens=None, max_target_tokens=None, id_to_tokens=defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {}), model=None, generation_config=None, generation_splits=set(), model_type=None, id_to_formatted_prompt_length=defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {}), response_template=None)#

dataquality.loggers.model_logger.seq2seq.completion module#

class Seq2SeqCompletionModelLogger(embs=None, probs=None, logits=None, ids=None, split='', epoch=None, inference_name=None)#

Bases: Seq2SeqModelLogger

Initialize the Seq2SeqModelLogger

In Seq2Seq if probs is passed in it is actually logprobs

logger_config: Seq2SeqCompletionLoggerConfig = Seq2SeqCompletionLoggerConfig(labels=None, tasks=None, observed_num_labels=None, observed_labels=None, tagging_schema=None, last_epoch=0, cur_epoch=None, cur_split=None, cur_inference_name=None, training_logged=False, validation_logged=False, test_logged=False, inference_logged=False, exception='', helper_data={}, input_data_logged=defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {}), logged_input_ids=defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {}), idx_to_id_map=defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {}), conditions=[], report_emails=[], ner_labels=[], int_labels=False, feature_names=[], metadata_documents=set(), finish=<function BaseLoggerConfig.<lambda>>, existing_run=False, dataloader_random_sampling=False, remove_embs=False, sample_length={}, tokenizer=None, max_input_tokens=None, max_target_tokens=None, id_to_tokens=defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {}), model=None, generation_config=None, generation_splits=set(), model_type=None, id_to_formatted_prompt_length=defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {}), response_template=None)#

dataquality.loggers.model_logger.seq2seq.formatters module#

class BaseSeq2SeqModelFormatter(logger_config)#

Bases: ABC

abstract format_sample(sample_id, sample_output_tokens, split_key, shift_labels=True)#

Formats sample_output_tokens before extracting token information

Depending on the model architecture this function:
  • Removes padding tokens from model outputs

  • Restricts to just the response / target tokens

Note: shift_labels is only used for DecoderOnly models. See further details in the DecoderOnly definition.



Used for extracting token logprob data

  • formatted_sample_output_tokens: np.ndarray

Return type:

  • formatted_labels

retrieve_sample_labels(sample_id, max_tokens, split_key)#

Retrieve the labels array based on the sample id and truncate at max_tokens

Labels gives the ground truth / target sample ids for each token in the sequence:

e.g. for sample_id = 8 –> labels = [0, 10, 16, …]

Return type:


class EncoderDecoderModelFormatter(logger_config)#

Bases: BaseSeq2SeqModelFormatter

Seq2Seq model logger for EncoderDecoder models

Since Encoder-Decoder models output logits just over the target tokens, there is very little additional processing - i.e. we primarily leverage functionality from Seq2SeqModelLogger.

format_sample(sample_id, sample_output_tokens, split_key, shift_labels=True)#

Formats sample_output_tokens by removing padding tokens

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

class DecoderOnlyModelFormatter(logger_config)#

Bases: BaseSeq2SeqModelFormatter

Seq2Seq model logger for EncoderDecoder models

Since Encoder-Decoder models output logits just over the target tokens, there is very little additional processing - i.e. we primarily leverage functionality from Seq2SeqModelLogger.

format_sample(sample_id, sample_output_tokens, split_key, shift_labels=True)#

Formats sample_output_tokens

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Actions taken:
  • Removes padding tokens based off of the length of the tokenized

formatted prompt - Restricts to just response tokens using the saved response_labels

The shift_labels flag is used to align the ‘logits’ / ‘logprobs’ with the Response Token Labels. As a general rule:

  • When logging directly from non-api models (e.g. hf), the response_labels

are “shifted” right by one from the logits. Thus, to align them - i.e. get the correct logits for each token label - we need to account for this shift.

e.g. formatted_sample_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] response_tokens_ids = [6, 7, 8] logits = shape[8, vocab]

# Output corresponsing to model input tokens [5, 6, 7] response_logits = logits[-4: -1] # NOT response_logits = logits[-3:]

  • When logging from an api, the logits or logprobs are generally aligned for

us. Therefore, we don’t need to account for this right shift.

get_model_formatter(model_type, logger_config)#

Returns the model formatter for the given model_type

Return type:


dataquality.loggers.model_logger.seq2seq.seq2seq_base module#

class Seq2SeqModelLogger(embs=None, probs=None, logits=None, ids=None, split='', epoch=None, inference_name=None)#

Bases: BaseGalileoModelLogger

Seq2Seq base model logger

This class defines the base functionality for logging model outputs in Seq2Seq tasks - shared between EncoderDecoder and DecoderOnly architectures.

After architecture specific processing of raw model logits, we leverage a shared function for processing and extracting the logprob token data just over the Target data.

During processing, the following key information is extracted:
  • token_logprobs: log-probs for GT tokens in each sample

  • top_logprobs: top-K (token_str, log-prob) pairs for each token

Initialize the Seq2SeqModelLogger

In Seq2Seq if probs is passed in it is actually logprobs

logger_config: Seq2SeqLoggerConfig = Seq2SeqLoggerConfig(labels=None, tasks=None, observed_num_labels=None, observed_labels=None, tagging_schema=None, last_epoch=0, cur_epoch=None, cur_split=None, cur_inference_name=None, training_logged=False, validation_logged=False, test_logged=False, inference_logged=False, exception='', helper_data={}, input_data_logged=defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {}), logged_input_ids=defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {}), idx_to_id_map=defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {}), conditions=[], report_emails=[], ner_labels=[], int_labels=False, feature_names=[], metadata_documents=set(), finish=<function BaseLoggerConfig.<lambda>>, existing_run=False, dataloader_random_sampling=False, remove_embs=False, sample_length={}, tokenizer=None, max_input_tokens=None, max_target_tokens=None, id_to_tokens=defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {}), model=None, generation_config=None, generation_splits=set(), model_type=None, id_to_formatted_prompt_length=defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {}), response_template=None)#
log_file_ext = 'arrow'#
property split_key: str#

Validate the lengths, calculate token level dep, extract GT probs

Return type:


process_logits(batch_ids, batch_logits)#

Process a batch of sample logit data

For each sample in the batch extract / compute the following values:
  • Token level logprobs for the GT label

  • Token level top-k model logprobs: represented as a dictionary

mapping {predicted_token: logprob}

batch_logits has shape - [batch_size, max_token_length, vocab_size], where max_token_length is determined by the longest sample in the batch. Because other samples in the batch are padded to this max_length, we have to process each sample individually to ignore pad token indices.

Special points of consideration:
  • For each sample, top-k logprobs is a list of dictionaries with length

equal to the number of tokens in that sample. Each dictionary maps the models top-k predicted tokens to their corresponding logprobs.

  • We return a pyarrow array because each sample may have a different number

of token, which can’t be represented in numpy.


GT Logprob per token

len(batch_token_dep) == batch_size batch_token_logprobs[i].shape is [num_tokens_in_label[i]]

batch_top_logprobs: Top-k logprob dictionary per token

type(batch_top_logprobs[i]) = List[Dict[str, float]] len(batch_top_logprobs) == batch_size len(batch_top_logprobs[i]) = num_tokens_in_label[i]

Return type:


process_logprobs(batch_ids, batch_logprobs)#

Process a batch of sample logprob data

This is a special case where the use only logs a single logprobs for each token - i.e. the label token’s logprob.

batch_logprobs.shape = [bs, max_token_length]

In this case, we do not have any top_k logprob data; therefore, we fill the top_logprob data with “filler” data. Each token’s top 5 logprob data is:

[(”—”, -20)] * TOP_K

Similar to process_logits we process the logprob data to remove 1) remove padding and 2) apply any other formatting to just restrict to token level information for the “Target” tokens.

Special points of consideration:
  • We return a pyarrow array because each sample may have a different number

of token, which can’t be represented in numpy.


GT Logprob per token

len(batch_token_dep) == batch_size batch_token_logprobs[i].shape is [num_tokens_in_label[i]]

batch_top_logprobs: Top-k logprob dictionary per token

type(batch_top_logprobs[i]) = List[Dict[str, float]] len(batch_top_logprobs) == batch_size len(batch_top_logprobs[i]) = num_tokens_in_label[i] batch_top_logprobs[i][0] = (”—”, -20)

Return type:



Converts logits (unnormalized log probabilities) to logprobs via log_softmax

This is a special use case for Seq2Seq, people generally work with logprobs. One reason for this is that the logsoftmax function takes advantage of the logsumexp “trick” to compute a numerically stable version of log(softmax(x)).

Return type:


Module contents#